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To understand the Cross, one must understand the beginning

The CROSS is one of the most misunderstood concepts of Scripture, to understand the Cross one has to go back to the beginning back to Genesis specifically the very first verse Genesis 1:1 (KJV) 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

We first look at the forth word “God” we know that there was no beginning for God He always was, He is and He will always will be and that God is a 'Triune Being' meaning God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and I will cover the Trinity in a later Post dealing with ‘The Image of God” but for now we will be just dealing with the beginning.

When you study Scripture, you will learn that God has certain attributes like God is omnipotent all- powerful, God is omniscient all-knowing, God is omnipresent everywhere, always. I’m going to focus on His omniscience and if God is all-knowing, did He not know that when He was going to create anything and that when He created the Angels did He not know that Lucifer was going to turn on Him and lead a rebellion and take a third of the angels down with him and did He not know that Adam and Eve would eat from the tree He told Adam not to eat from and if he did eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that all of Mankind would Die, we can’t know that until we learn all of God’s Word and we learn in the book of Revelation 12:7-10 and we also know that the Dragon and those that followed him were to be cast down to the earth, God’s prison for them.

Now let’s focus on the seventh word heaven the realm of angels we know that there are three heavens and there will be a forth Heaven when God casts this Heaven and earth into the Lake of Fire, but that’s not till the very end of the Bible. That word heaven is singular in only to bibles in the King James Version and the Word Bible, all other Bibles the word heaven is plural- Heavens, which is very important on how that word is used and again I will explain in a later Post “Change not a Jot or Tittle” and why I use the KJV of God’s Word. Think of heaven as realm. The first realm is where God always lived and occupied before he started creation of the second realm the angels, so in the first realm there was God and there were two trees the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” and “The tree of Life” therefore they existed in God’s plan to give man a Free will and a way of redemption when man would Fall, which is the third heaven or realm of man, which did not begin until verse 3 of Genesis.

The beginning was the creation of the Realm of Angels God knew that the angels would fall, thus the earth the prison Satan and those who followed him were to be cast down to the earth, once again a prison made for the fallen angels and verse 2 of Genesis describes the earth unlike we know it today, which is in two parts, Genesis 1:2 (KJV) Verse 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The first part the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, darkness throughout Scripture represents evil. We do not know how long the angels existed before Lucifer began to rebel against God which was the “FIRST SIN” in creation, we also do not know how long the Dragon and the angels were in prison before God started on the second part of verse two on Genesis, when God separated light from darkness and started the transformation of the earth to accommodate the existence of Man. Just remember God called the Light good He did not call the darkness good this is going to play an important role when we begin to Talk about Sin, Death and Hell and God’s love for Man “just remember when god speaks of man many times He is speaking of women and children, which come from Man a women Eve formed from his side and children from man’s seed, the Soul and Conscience of man and the egg of the Woman, the shell we occupy until we go into eternity.

When we begin to understand these concepts, we will understand the Cross and the need for it.

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